Nylon Oxygen Barrier Tubing Reduces Biofouling in Beer Draught Lines


  • Parker Heger
  • Andrew Russell Northern State Unviersity




biofilm; biofouling; beer spoilage; nylon oxygen barrier; beer draught line; beverage tubing


Beer draught lines are frequently contaminated with biofilm-forming microorganisms, which forces retailers to spend considerable time and money cleaning and replacing lines. In light of this financial burden, draught tubing composition was examined for its role in the prevention of biofouling in beer lines. Three types of draught tubing - vinyl, polyethylene, and nylon barrier - were inoculated with a combination of biofilm-forming microorganisms (Hafnia paralvei, Raoultella planticola, Pediococcus damnosus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and used to simulate a bar environment for sixteen weeks. Following simulation, the degree of biofouling in each draught line was determined by spectrophotometry and microscopy. Absorption values and fluorescence images showed that nylon barrier tubing was superior to the other lines at resisting biofilm maturation.These results suggest that tubing composition plays a significant role in the prevention of biofilm formation in beer draught lines and supports the adoption of nylon barrier tubing as an effective strategy against biofouling in a variety of applications.


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Author Biography

Andrew Russell, Northern State Unviersity

Associate Professor of Biology

Coordinator of Undergraduate Research

Department of Science and Mathematics

Northern State University




How to Cite

Heger, P., & Russell, A. (2021). Nylon Oxygen Barrier Tubing Reduces Biofouling in Beer Draught Lines. Fine Focus, 7(1), 25–35. https://doi.org/10.33043/FF.7.1.25-35


