It’s a thin line: Mental health and mental toughness within the context of Hughes and Coakley’s Sport Ethic Model


  • Marion Bennett University of Arkansas



sport social work, mental toughness, mental health, student-athlete, sport ethic model


In recent years, the landscape of college athletics has become increasingly more competitive. This exacts a greater commitment and dedication from athletes. This dedication and commitment to a given sport(s) is often inextricably linked to mental toughness. However, within this phenomenon of commitment and dedication may lie risk for mental health challenges. That is, while mental toughness is generally seen as a positive trait that may help individuals cope with stress and adversity, there is some evidence to suggest that heavy reliance on mental toughness may increase the risk of developing a mental illness over time (Grobler, du Plooy, Kruger, & Ellis, 2022). The current discussion utilizes the Sport Ethic Model developed by Hughes and Coakley (1991) to explore the sometimes-tedious differentiation between mental toughness for high level competitive athletics and mental illness among college / university student-athletes. Practice implications for sports social workers are also discussed.


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