The Ecological Map of Adolescent Athletes: Examining Integrative Care Approaches




adolescent athletes, physical illness, social work, integrated care, ecological systems


This qualitative study explores the importance of an integrated care approach for adolescent athletes living with physical illness. The researcher used a phenomenological approach to provide this population with a platform to share their stories and to make meaning of their lived experiences. Using snowball sampling, the researcher gathered nine participants, ages 18-35, who resided within the United States. The researcher interviewed the participants via an online platform and analyzed their scripts using an interpretive phenomenological analysis approach. Through their exploration and sharing of consciousness, several important implications and contributions were unveiled to the social work profession. Their stories highlight the impact illness has on their psychological, psychosocial, physical, and overall functioning. Through the lens of the ecological systems theory, the study emphasizes the need for integrated and collaborative care between those who are directly or indirectly involved in the adolescent’s treatment. Ultimately, this preliminary study serves as a framework for clinical social workers as well as those who are involved in research, policy, and community-based work like schools and medical facilities. Through these stories, social workers and other helping professionals learn the power of connection and the importance of safeguarding the dignity and worth of the adolescent athlete.  


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