
  • The Bulletin of the International Association for Robin Hood Studies

    The Bulletin of the International Association for Robin Hood Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal publishing scholarship on all aspects of the Robin Hood tradition in diverse contexts. 

  • Mathematics Exchange

    The Mathematics Exchange is a refereed journal for undergraduate research in the mathematical sciences. It seeks to encourage undergraduate research that goes beyond standard classroom material.

  • Burkhardt Review

    The Burkhardt Review is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary history journal run by the graduate students of Ball State University’s Department of History. The purpose of The Burkhardt Review is first and foremost to provide a forum for the best graduate-level scholarship for students across the country and overseas.  The Burkhardt Review strives to foster new and important expressions of historical research, writing, and innovative presentation techniques and thus become part of cutting-edge disciplinary developments.

  • Digital Literature Review

    The Digital Literature Review is an academic journal edited, produced, and published by undergraduate students partnered with the English Department at Ball State University. Our goal is to showcase the valuable contributions of hardworking, creative students from all over the world.

    This website is also home to the old DLR Blog (Fall 2013-Spring 2021). Also, see the new DLR Blog (Fall 2021-Present). Each semester the students of the Digital Literature Review contribute blog posts related to the topic of the journal, ranging from film analyses, interviews, creative writing, and more.

  • Fine Focus

    We are an international journal dedicated to showcasing undergraduate research in all fields of microbiology. Fine Focus is managed entirely by undergraduate students from production to print, but utilizes an external editorial board of experts for double-blind peer review of manuscripts.

  • Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology

    The Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology promotes deep reflection on community change and system transformation in which counselors, psychologists, and other human service professionals play a role. This open access journal aims to highlight ‘engaged scholarship’ and the very important social change work done by professionals and activists that would not normally find its way into publication. There are no fees associated with submitting or publishing an article in this journal.

  • Journal of Special Education Preparation

    Journal of Special Education Preparation (JOSEP) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that features research-to-practice information and materials for special education faculty in higher education settings. JOSEP brings its readers the latest on evidence-based instructional strategies, technologies, procedures, and techniques to prepare special education teachers and leaders. The focus of its practical content is on immediate application.

  • Sport Social Work Journal

    The mission of the Sport Social Work Journal is to bring attention to the needs of individuals and collectives within the athletic community and to demonstrate how the profession of social work is suited to meet those needs. The journal is also committed to providing information on how the athletic community can advocate for social justice and change through sport. By publishing peer-reviewed scholarship related to the well-being of athletes, the athletic community and the broader community it interacts with, the Sport Social Work Journal can achieve these aims.

  • Teaching History: A Journal of Methods

    Teaching History: A Journal of Methods is an open-access journal serving historians and history teachers. Since 1976, our articles have emphasized the use of primary and secondary sources in classrooms and the impact of specific strategies and practices on student learning.

  • Stance: an international undergraduate philosophy journal

    Stance is an international undergraduate philosophy journal. It is produced and edited entirely by undergraduate students, and all original article are written by undergraduates. The aim of Stance is to enrich student learning by providing an opportunity for undergraduate students to have their original scholarly work reviewed by and possibly published in a peer-reviewed academic journal.