About the Journal
The Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology promotes deep reflection on community change and system transformation in which counselors, psychologists, and other human service professionals play a role. This open access journal aims to highlight ‘engaged scholarship’ and the very important social change work done by professionals and activists that would not normally find its way into publication. The journal attempts to break down the divide between theory and practice in one of the most critical areas of our work: social transformation toward social and ecological justice and peace. This journal features action-oriented articles, meaning manuscripts that discuss actual work (e.g., advocacy, activism, research, policy formulation and implementation, training, legislation) that has been conducted by the submitting author(s) and not proposed work or simple conceptualizations of issues. To be considered, these articles also must include empirical data.
JSACP also periodically publishes book reviews. Authors interested in submitting a review must first contact the Book Review Editor, H. Russell Searight (, to determine the appropriateness of the book to the mission of the journal. The email should include the name of the book, author(s), publisher, date of publication, and a 150-word statement discussing the relevance of the book to the mission of JSACP. Publishers interested in having a book reviewed should email the Book Editor the name of the book, author(s), and date of publication.
Articles submitted to the journal including Book Reviews are subjected to a masked (double-blind peer) review, which means that reviewers and authors are not known to each other. There are no fees associated with submitting or publishing an article in this journal.
JSACP features five unique sections:
Activism and Advocacy
Education and Training
Policy and Theory
Program Development and Evaluation
Book Reviews
The Journal is sponsored by:
Counselors for Social Justice
3300 Gar Place 3H
Greensboro, NC 27406
Psychologists for Social Responsibility
Box 91801
Elk Grove Village, IL 60009-1801
The Journal is published by:
Ball State University
Center for Peace & Conflict Studies
310 North McKinley Avenue
Muncie, Indiana 47306
Ball State University
University Libraries
Bracken Library
Muncie, Indiana 47303
The Journal accepts around 20% of the articles submitted for publication.
Abstracting and Indexing Information:
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO Publishing)
Academic Search Elite (EBSCO Publishing)
Applied Social Science Index & Abstracts
ArticleFirst (OCLC)
Educational Research Abstracts
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
ProQuest Central
ProQuest One Psychology
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO Publishing)
Psychology Database
Social Science Database
SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO Publishing)
Sociology Database
ISSN: 2159-8142