Call for Papers: Indigenous Action for Environmental Justice
Call for Papers: Indigenous Action for Environmental Justice
This call invites researchers interested in the field of Environmental Psychology to participate in the special issue: Indigenous Action for Environmental Justice, to be published in the Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology (JSACP).
Potential contributions should be relevant to a wide audience of readers including counselors, psychologists, and related human service professionals as well as students and educators. Policy makers, community organizers, and activists also should find the content to be informative and relevant to their work.
Please remember that JSACP features action-oriented articles, meaning manuscripts that discuss actual work (e.g., advocacy, activism, research, policy formulation and implementation, training, legislation) that has been conducted by the submitting author(s) and not proposed work or simple conceptualizations of issues. To be considered, these articles must include empirical data.
Thematic lines of this Special Issue
- Indigenous actions to protect eco-cultural places.
- Indigenous actions on environmental education.
- Environmental advocacy by indigenous communities.
- Indigenous innovations for sustainability.
Guest Editor
Camila Pérez Huenteo, Ph.D. (Adventist University, Chile).
Reception of proposals
Please send the title, abstract (maximum of 250 words), affiliation, a short bio (maximum 250 words) and a list of up 10 publications by no later than December 1, 2024 to
Individuals asked to write an article will have until September 27, 2024 to submit their manuscript through JSACP’s website. Manuscripts will then undergo a double-blind peer review.