Counselors as Social Justice Advocates: Experiences Addressing Systemic Marginalization
Social justice, Advocacy, Counselors, PhenomenologyAbstract
A phenomenological study was conducted to determine how counselors are experiencing engagement in social justice advocacy. Participants included seven (N = 7) licensed clinical counselors in the United States. Several themes emerged from the data: social justice advocacy as part of counselor professional identity, experiences of emotional discomfort and gratification, advocacy in action on a micro-, mezzo-, and macro-level, skills utilized to be effective advocates, identity impacting advocacy efforts, challenges faced, and advocacy successes. Results highlighted advocacy action steps that counselors can take to support clients. Skills needed to effective advocates included gaining a knowledge of systems, self-awareness of bias and privilege, intentionality and strategy with advocacy actions, and use of common counseling skills such as compassion and managing challenging responses. Four main elements are identified for potential training implications: (1) establishing a clear professional identity/role around social justice advocacy, (2) teaching advocacy competencies, (3) education about what advocacy practice looks like, and (4) building skills frequently utilized in advocacy practice.
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