Challenging Mental Health Professionals to Look Beyond the Consulting Room

A Review of Becoming a Citizen Therapist: Integrating Community Problem-Solving into Your Role as a Healer


  • Russell Searight Lake Superior State University



Advocacy, Social justice, Promoting Equity, Macrosystem Interventions, Community Organizers


William Doherty and Tai Mendenhall's work on the "Citizen Therapist" model bridges psychotherapy with social engagement, emphasizing the interplay between mental health and societal factors. Their book critiques hyper-individualism in therapy, advocating for therapists to address systemic issues such as political polarization, racism, and culturally sensitive healthcare. In addition to outlining the rationale and practical guidelines for mental health professionals to collaborate with their fellow citizens, the book provides examples of programs aimed at addressing community conflicts, promoting healthy lifestyles, and enhancing family life. The model emphasizes community-driven solutions while maintaining professional boundaries, highlighting the connection between individual well-being and societal health.


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How to Cite

Searight, R. (2025). Challenging Mental Health Professionals to Look Beyond the Consulting Room: A Review of Becoming a Citizen Therapist: Integrating Community Problem-Solving into Your Role as a Healer . Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology, 16(2), 61–71.