A Social Justice Approach to School Counseling


  • Dana Griffin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Sam Stern George Washington University




Social justice, Collaborative action, Academic success, Low-income students, Barriers, Advocacy leadership


Based on the 2010 Multicultural-Social Justice Leadership Development academy presentation, this article focuses on how school counselors can collaborate with critical stakeholders to help mitigate barriers to academic success for low-income students and students of color. The overarching goal of the presentation was to define social justice, collaboration, and present a multicultural-social justice approach to school-family-community collaboration. The presenters were two school counselor educators, a mental health counselor educator, and a college/university counselor educator who all believed in the necessity of working together in order to help promote academic achievement for all students. In this article, barriers to social justice advocacy, strategies for implementing a social justice framework, and implications for school counselor practice and research are discussed.


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How to Cite

Griffin, D., & Stern, S. (2011). A Social Justice Approach to School Counseling. Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology, 3(1), 74–85. https://doi.org/10.33043/JSACP.3.1.74-85