Clark, Heweitt, Rosenzweig, Brier, Brown, & Foner, Eds., Who Built America? Working People And The Nation's Economy, Politics, Culture And Society, Vol. I; Lichtenstein, Strasser, Rosenzweig, Brier, Brown, Eds., Who Built America? Working People And T


  • Lisa Phillips Edgewood College



Although not technically second editions, the volumes under review are based on the original Who Built America series sponsored by the American Social History Project and authored by Bruce Levine, Stephen Brier, David Brundage, Edward Countryman, Dorothy Fennell, and Marcus Rediker (volume one) and by Joshua Freeman, Nelson Lichtenstein, Stephen Brier, David Bensman, Susan Porter Benson, David Brundage, Bret Eynon, Bruce Levine, and Bryan Palmer (volume two), published in I 989. I have used volumes one and two of the most recent editions to teach both halves of the American history survey course offered at a small liberal arts college in the Midwestern United States. I offer here both my own and my students' experience with and reactions to the texts so that readers might decide whether to adopt them for either American history survey courses or perhaps for a working-class or labor history class. 


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How to Cite

Phillips, Lisa. 2002. “Clark, Heweitt, Rosenzweig, Brier, Brown, & Foner, Eds., Who Built America? Working People And The Nation’s Economy, Politics, Culture And Society, Vol. I; Lichtenstein, Strasser, Rosenzweig, Brier, Brown, Eds., Who Built America? Working People And T”. Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 27 (1):44-47.


