Book Reviews


  • Michael J. Salevouris Webster University
  • Robert W. Brown Pembroke State University
  • Linda Frey University of Montana
  • Robert Lindsay University of Montana
  • Arthur Q. Larson Westmar College (Ret.)
  • Calvin H. Allen, Jr. The School of the Ozarks
  • Samuel E. Dicks Emporia State University
  • Brian Boland Lockport Central High School, Lockport, IL
  • Joseph L. Arbena Clemson University
  • David L. Nass Southwest State University, MN
  • Darlene E. Fisher New Trier Township High School, Winnetka, IL
  • Charles T. Banner-Haley Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies, University of Rochester
  • Raymond C. Bailey Northern Virginia Community College
  • Thomas J. Schlereth University of Notre Dame
  • Jayme A. Sokolow National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Philip Reed Rulon Northern Arizona University



Eliot Wigginton. Sometimes a Shining Moment: The Foxfire Experience-- Twenty Years in a High School Classroom. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/ Doubleday, 1985. Pp. xiv, 438. Cloth, $19.95. Review by Philip Reed Rulon of Northern Arizona University.

Eugene Kuzirian and Larry Madaras, eds. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History. Vol. I: The Colonial Period to Reconstruction. Guilford , Connecticut: Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc., 1985. Pp. x, 255. Paper, $8.95. Review by Jayme A. Sokolow of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Lois W. Banner. American Beauty. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1983. Pp. ix, 369. Paper, $9.95. Review by Thomas J. Schlereth of the University of Notre Dame.

Alan Heimert and Andrew Delbanco, eds. The Puritans in America: A Narrative Anthology. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985. Pp. xviii, 438. Cloth, $25.00. Review by Raymond C. Bailey of Northern Virginia Community College.

Clarence L. Mohr. On the Threshold of Freedom: Masters and Slaves in Civil War Georgia. Athens and London: The University of Georgia Press, 1986. Pp. xxi, 397. Cloth, $35.00. Review by Charles T. Banner-Haley of the Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies, University of Rochester.

Francis Paul Prucha. The Indians in American Society: From the Revolutionary War to the Present. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Pp. ix, 127. Cloth, $15.95. Review by Darlene E. Fisher of New Trier Township High School, Winnetka, Il.

Barry D. Karl. The Uneasy State: The United States from 1915 to 1945. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1983. Pp. x, 257. Paper, $7.95; Robert D. Marcus and David Burner, eds. America Since 1945. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. Fourth edition. Pp. viii, 408. Paper, $11.95. Review by David L. Nass of Southwest State University, Mn.

Michael P. Sullivan. The Vietnam War: A Study in the Making of American Policy. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1985. Pp. 198. Cloth, $20.00. Review by Joseph L. Arbena of Clemson University.

N. Ray Hiner and Joseph M. Hawes, eds. Growing Up In America: Children in Historical Perspective. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985. Pp. xxv, 310. Cloth, $27.50; Paper, $9.95. Review by Brian Boland of Lockport Central High School, Lockport, IL.

Linda A. Pollock. Forgotten Children: Parent-Child Relations from 1500 to 1900. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. xi, 334. Cloth, $49.50; Paper, $16.95. Review by Samuel E. Dicks of Emporia State University.

Yahya Armajani and Thomas M. Ricks. Middle East: Past and Present. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986. Second edition. Pp. xiv, 466. Cloth, $16.95. Review by Calvin H. Allen, Jr of The School of the Ozarks.

Henry C. Boren. The Ancient World: An Historical Perspective. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986. Pp. xx, 407. Paper, $22.95. Review by Arthur Q. Larson of Westmar College (Ret.)

Geoffrey Treasure. The Making of Modern Europe, 1648-1780. London and New York: Methuen, 1985. Pp. xvii, 647. Cloth, $35.00; Paper, $16.95. Review by Robert Lindsay of the University of Montana.

Alexander Rudhart. Twentieth Century Europe. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986. Pp. xiv, 462. Paper, $22.95. Review by Linda Frey of the University of Montana.

Jonathan Powis. Aristocracy. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1984. Pp. ix, 110. Cloth, $24.95; Paper, $8.95. Review by Robert W. Brown of Pembroke State University.

A. J. Youngson. The Prince and the Pretender: A Study in the Writing of History. Dover, New Hampshire: Croom Helm, Ltd., 1985. Pp. 270. Cloth, $29.00. Review Michael J. Salevouris of Webster University.


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How to Cite

Salevouris, Michael J., Robert W. Brown, Linda Frey, Robert Lindsay, Arthur Q. Larson, Calvin H. Allen, Samuel E. Dicks, et al. 1987. “Book Reviews”. Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 12 (1):31-48.



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