Reframing Behavior: Understanding and Responding to Behavioral Messages of Neurodivergent Students Meaningfully




neurodivergent, student voice, sensory needs, special education, teacher education, behavior


Neurodivergent students experience the world differently from normative societal standards. Preservice teachers will have neurodivergent students in their classrooms and misinterpretations of behavior may occur. Including the neurodivergent individual’s perspective and voice is imperative in creating inclusive, affirming learning environments. The Neurodivergent student Informed Behavior Support (NIBS) plan provides a systematic, collaborative approach that can help preservice teachers to (a) recognize if a behavior needs to be addressed, (b) identify strategies to support student success, and (c) empower students to be actively involved in the process. This article presents details on using the NIBS plan to bridge the gap between neurodivergent students and their teachers.


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Author Biographies

Stacy McGuire, Bowling Green State University

Dr. Stacy N. McGuire is currently an assistant professor of special education in the School of Inclusive Teacher Education at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. She graduated from the Department of Special Education at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in May of 2022 with my Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education. She is both a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral and a Nationally Board Certified Teacher, Exceptional Needs Specialist. Dr. McGuire’s scholarship focuses on providing equitable education for students with behavioral support needs and emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD), which is conducted through three lines of inquiry: (a) social inclusion of students with behavioral support needs and EBD, (b) teacher training in evidence-based behavioral interventions, and (c) antiableist and antiracist disciplinary practices for students with behavioral support needs and EBD.

Victoria VanUitert, Bowling Green State University

Dr. Victoria J. VanUitert is an assistant professor in the School of Inclusive Teacher Education at Bowling Green State University. Her research focuses on a) developing interventions to improve the social-emotional & academic success and well-being of neurodivergent individuals (e.g., autistic, with ADHD, with learning disabilities), (b) exploring the experiences of neurodivergent individuals and the implications of these outcomes, and (c) preparing pre- and in-service K-12 teachers and university and service professionals to provide inclusive, affirming, and effective learning experiences for their students.

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How to Cite

McGuire, S., & VanUitert, V. (2025). Reframing Behavior: Understanding and Responding to Behavioral Messages of Neurodivergent Students Meaningfully. Journal of Special Education Preparation.



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