Navigating AI-Powered Personalized Learning in Special Education: A Guide for Preservice Teacher Faculty




Accessibility, adaptive learning, artificial intelligence, personalized learning, special education, teacher preparation, technology integration


Integrating Artificial Intelligence-Powered Personalized Learning (AI-PPL) in special education teacher preparation represents a shift toward tailoring educational experiences to meet the unique needs of preservice teachers and students with disabilities. This article explores the implementation of AI-PPL tools in teacher preparation programs, highlighting their potential to customize learning experiences, provide adaptive feedback, and enhance engagement through interactive content. This review of current AI-PPL functionalities, such as adaptive learning environments and customized feedback mechanisms, demonstrates how AI-PPL can impact teaching practices and student learning outcomes. The article introduces critical attributes for successful AI-PPL integration, such as ensuring accessibility and inclusivity. It calls for further professional development to enhance educator competency and skills. By presenting real-world examples and guiding questions for special education faculty, the authors offer practical insights for educators and faculty members to effectively navigate the complexities of adopting AI technologies in teacher preparation programs.


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How to Cite

Kenneth Holman, Marino, M., Vasquez, E., Taub, M., Hunt, J., & Tazi, Y. (2024). Navigating AI-Powered Personalized Learning in Special Education: A Guide for Preservice Teacher Faculty. Journal of Special Education Preparation, 4(2), 90–95.



Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence