Teaching in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Reimagining Activities and Assignments in Preservice Special Education Teacher Education Programs





Preservice teacher preparation, artificial intelligence, Special Education, Educational Technology


Artificial intelligence (AI) text generators, such as ChatGPT and Copilot, have been used for various purposes such as creating written content, writing or debugging computer code, answering questions, providing information, and improving written communication. This robust functionality of AI text generators along with the high rate of use reported by college students highlights the need for instructors in special education teacher preparation programs to contend with the impact of AI on teaching and learning. The purpose of this article is to provide examples of how teacher educators might reimagine assignments and activities in the era of AI text generators. Specifically, the authors explore ways that AI applications might be intentionally incorporated or, conversely, intentionally restricted in the design of course assignments and activities.


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How to Cite

Johnston, S., Jameson, J. M., O’Keeffe, B. V., & Raines, A. (2024). Teaching in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Reimagining Activities and Assignments in Preservice Special Education Teacher Education Programs. Journal of Special Education Preparation, 4(2), 38–50. https://doi.org/10.33043/5z5b435y



Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence